Facebook ads can be a great way to attract viewers to your website or your Facebook page. This course will teach you the basics of creating and managing Facebook ads. Learn how to create ads in just minutes. Beyond the very basics you will learn how to laser target your ads so that your ideal potential customer sees them. Learn how to use read the reports to measure the effectiveness of your ads and track conversions. After 9 clear and concise lessons you will be able to create and manage your own Facebook advertising campaigns and track their success. Course consists of: 9 video lectures. 9 corresponding PDF documents. Quizzes for most lectures. Group discussion questions for each lecture. Daily interactions with instructor via discussion forums or email
    ACTUAL STUDENT RESULTS: " Hi Dave. I made it! I am getting a 10.377% CTR and $0.08 clicks!" :D Stefanos -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dave, just got a whopping 6.736% CTR on the first try. Thanks so much!" Frans Van Agthoven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "WOW ... this really works!!! I'm getting clicks for 7c with 4.78% CTR ... Crazy!!" Skekeu ================================================== If you are interested in using Facebook Ads for your business (or any business) then this brief, 45-minute Udemy course is for you! In this course, I reveal a sneaky, yet simple way (white hat) to get incredibly cheap traffic from Facebook Ads - one of the world's best ad networks. Not only will you learn the simple strategy for getting 5¢ clicks on Facebook, but these clicks also come with several bonuses! Because not only are these extremely low-cost clicks, but they are also extremely effective - you will also be getting Clickthrough Rates (CTRs) as high as 11%! And that's not all! Because when you implement this strategy, you will ALSO get high engagement on your ads. Your "Likes", "Comments" and "Shares" will be through the roof! Powerful benefits of creating Facebook Ad campaigns with this strategy: Low Cost Per Click - as low as 5¢ High CTR - As high as 11% or more High engagement - Viral Likes, Comments and Shares All these are yours in this one, little-known, yet easy-to-do strategy! You will be blown away as you see how powerful this one strategy is for generating extremely low-cost traffic - even before you add your own targeting! Let's face it, all the big dogs are using Facebook Ads to generate tons of targeted traffic to their websites, offers and more. But Facebook Ads have gotten very expensive as a result. This course will show you how to "level the playing field" and grab your share of dirt-cheap, high-return Facebook traffic! You will also discover how to build a massive email list for pennies and then a variety of ways to monetize that list. Also revealed: A killer way to sell access to your massive email list to businesses who need instant sales. You will literally be able to turn businesses around with this one simple strategy.
      "This course is great! Rihab did a great job of creating videos that manage to keep you focused and absorbing all content. She explains in a very simple way which makes the content easy to learn and boring free. I'm only halfway through and already can tell how the investment in the course is paying off." Gui Serrano "Rihab is really a genius. I got lots of Facebook ad course but i could not find anything like this course because she pin point all the important things of Facebook add. I wish all the best." Yasin Chudhury "This animated course is really a top notch! As a visual learner, I really appreciate this type of presentation. I wish that all other courses are presented this way." Ahmed Ben Mati Unless you were living in a cave, you know that ecommerce is one of the best opportunities nowadays to make money online, off course i am not talking about making millions of dollars every month like those gurus who promise you millions by showing you fake screenshot and numbers in order to sell you their 3000$ course. I am here to tell you the truth! With dropshipping and e-commerce if you work well it will be not so difficult to make between 5 and 15 thousand dollars in your pocket every month. I am RiHab, a digital marketer, and a bestseller udemy instructor with more than 12,000 student with an average rating of 4,8 stars on my courses i have helped hundreds of students to launch their stores , succeed online and quit their 9 to 5 job, and in this MasterClass i will help you master facebook marketing in order to create and boost your ecommerce business. Although ecommerce and dropshipping are wonderful revenue sources unfortunately more than 90% of people trying to create a successful dropshipping business just fail and quit. The reason behind their failures is that they are not applying good and efficient marketing strategies. Some people try to rely on the organic traffic of google, they put out some videos on youtube, some articles here and there, they might even try google ads to promote their stores and they sit waiting for traffic to come... Well this type of strategies might work, but the problem is that those strategies are not scalable. If you go this way, it means that people will find out about you only when they go to google and search for your product... If you have tried dropshipping for a while, you surely know that Facebook ads are the best way to boost your sales and to scale your business, because Facebook Marketing are easily scalable , once you found a winner you can put it in front of millions of potential customers in a couple of hours and generate hundreds and thousands of sales... Facebook Marketing make you reach people all over the world and not only that it makes you reach exactly the people who might buy your product! although this seems super promising and easy, the majority of people who try facebook ads fails during the first couple of days and quit. The majority of people are afraid of investing, they are afraid of loosing money on they choose a product and they start their facebook ads with a daily budget of 5$, they try one ad text and one photo... they see no result and they quickly surrender thinking that it was a waste of money and they start nagging on social media that facebook ads don't work, and dropshipping is dead and all this type of crap... Well i am exaggerating a bit, but I guess you understood what i mean. I can ensure you that Dropshipping still work pretty well but only for people who master the art of facebook Marketing. If you want to be successful in dropshipping you need to have a complete mastery of facebook ads, you have to know exactly how to target the most profitable audiences, how to do efficient retargeting , how to design attractive photos and videos and how to scale very fast and this is what i will be covering in this master class in addition to many other things.... The Facebook ads tool is very advanced and Facebook has a lot of information about everyone... Facebook knows your age, your sex, what is your favorite music, your favorite sports teams if you have any, your hobbies, what food do you like , what things do you enjoy and facebook even knows if you are single or in couple and a lot more. This will help you a lot targeting the right people and selling them your products. Using facebook ads, you can target exactly your potential customers, so if you think that single men between 25 and 38 years old living in Alabama, who owns dog and who are also fans of lionel messi are your potential customers.... you can tune your ads to exactly target them! and not only that you can also ask the intelligent Facebook algorithm to search for people very similar to those who bought from you and try to sell them another product from your store Facebook ads offer tenth and tenth of awesome additional options that you can use to maximize your profit. The basic methods that used to work in 2015 and 2016 are dead, you can never make money just by putting a simple ad and giving facebook some money to run ads. Nowdays, you have to do much more to succeed and this is what i will show you in this master class. Only people that masters the strategies I will teach here will succeed in making a living or a fortune from e-commerce. This master class is the ultimate guide of facebook ads for ecommerce and dropshipping, whether you are a complete beginner or an expert, i am sure you will learn a lot from this course. This master class will not only offer you tons 6of valuable information and strategies , but also you will be learning in a very funny and effective way. the majority of the lectures are white board videos and with a lot of animation designed precisely to make you understand well the concepts and spare you any confusion. All lectures have some soft background music to help you relax and concentrate. Thru these lectures you will never feel bored or overwhelmed! I can guarantee you that the strategies you'll learn in this course are much better and efficient than what you find in the 2500$ (25 hundred) guru course you find on the internet. Following are some of the things you will learn thru this master class : - How Facebook works and what do you need to do to create successful ads. - How to create stunning photos for your products for FREE and avoid the awful photos of Ali-express that everybody else uses. - How to create a converting video that will catch the eyes of your prospects and make them hit that buy button and pull out their credit cards. - How to create an attractive thumbnail for your videos. - How to enhance your copywriting and write better ads text that will seduce facebook users and make them read your ad carefully. - The things you need to be aware of to not get banned from facebook - What is a facebook pixel and why it is important for your business and how to install it on your website. - Which conversion event to choose for your pixel. - The secret that nobody shows you elsewhere to succeed in Facebook ads. - How to choose your campaign objective, your daily budget and the devices you want the ad to show on - How to choose well your target audience, and this will save you a lot of money, because you will not be paying money to facebook to show your ad to people that are not interested. - How to do efficient retargeting campaigns with different layers and not just basic retargeting. - How to create an ad with thousands of likes and comments and shares. - How to read data, and which metrics you need to concentrate on. - How to know if a product is a winner, when to kill and ad and when to scale it. - How to scale well your campaigns both vertically and horizontally - How to use effectively lookalike audiences. This master class is the most complete course on this subject, if you master the strategies I will teach you here, you will definitely boost your ecommerce revenue and profit. and You'll be able starting of tonight to finally build successful campaigns that sells. This course took literally more than 400 hours of dedicated work : you will not find in this course what you usually find in traditional courses where you usually see a guy in his 0room filming his screen and talking for hours repeating 10 times the same thing with a lot of UGGGHH AHHHH HMMMM. this course was structured and built to save your time and help you to the maximum.. all scripts were prepared in advance with many detailed examples... Each minutes you loose by hesitating whether to take this master class or not, is a huge waste! Starting from the moment you landed here, your excuses of failing facebook ads are no more valid, because everything you need to know in order to succeed is only one click away from you! Enroll in this course NOW , master facebook ads, and start taking your business to the next level. See you in a couple of minutes
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        BANKRUPT! Entrepreneurs Are Going BROKE Because Of Facebook's NEW Ban Hammer! Dear Reader, As you can see the title is in huge bold letters, for two reasons: I have something VERY important to tell you and I just had to catch your attention Since what I’m about to tell you concerns you, your business and YOUR money… I thought a little eye catcher is appropriate My name is Daniel Barada. Over the last 2 years I have grown my marketing agency to multiple 6 figures. Since my agency is virtually fully automated, I started teaching other people how to start their own wildly profitable marketing agencies. Within just a year, each one of my students has earned an average of $5148 per month. But I’m NOT telling you this to brag. I’m telling you this to earn some credibility with you before I tell you about the ban hammer Facebook™ is currently implementing and how this is putting all social media marketers in danger of going bankrupt. COLD SWEAT That’s exactly what I felt when it happened to me. I was sitting in my home office, about to create a new advertisement on Facebook™ for one of my premium clients and then it hit me… Facebook™ BANNED the ad account. I was in shock. I just hit the “Create Ad” button and in less than a SECOND I got the dreaded email… I decided I’ll deal with that later, and I’ll create a new ad on a BRAND NEW ad account… BANNED! Out of nowhere, this brand new account got banned too! New ad, new picture, new account… Banned in seconds. I started researching online… “Is it just me?” I thought. Turned out, countless business owners, in different industries all over the world were experiencing the SAME thing… I WAS ONTO SOMETHING I contacted Facebook™ and told them about the issue. After waiting for 3 whole days, I got the email… “Consider this decision final”. They didn’t re-enable the accounts… I still had 3 more ad accounts so I tried creating the ad again. New ad, new picture, 3 new accounts… ALL BANNED. I had no ad accounts left. In just a few days, all of the 5 ad accounts I had were disabled forever. Advertising on Facebook™ was OVER for me. OR SO I THOUGHT… See, I remembered that I knew a way to ethically create a virtually INFINITE number of ad accounts and how to NOT get them banned. In fact… The Facebook™ Support Team does it FOR YOU! But they do that in VERY rare and specific cases. Unless you know what to do and say… Imagine having an infinite number of ad accounts! You’re basically IMMUNE to the Facebook™ Ban Hammer if you follow their policies! I used the method and in less than a week… I had more ad accounts than I’ll EVER need! Here’s a small part of what you’ll learn when you purchase this course: How To Follow Facebook's Advertising Policies Effortlessly! (This IS VERY Important) How To Ethically Create An Infinite Number Of Facebook™ Ad Accounts that are ONLY yours (this method doesn’t include using your friends’ and family’s Facebook™ accounts) How To Make the Facebook™ Support Team To Answer Your Questions IMMEDIATELY The SINGLE Sentence You Need To Say To The Facebook™ Support Team To Gain Their Respect And Make Them WANT To Help You How To PASS All of Facebook’s “Trick Questions” EFFORTLESSLY Exactly What To Say And Do So You Can Have A 100% Chance Of Getting The Infinite Number Of Ad Accounts Exactly What NOT To Do So You Can Keep Those Accounts Enabled FOREVER Not So Fast! This Is NOT For Everybody. This Is NOT For You If: You don’t plan to EVER advertise on the biggest social media platform in the world You don’t consider yourself a serious entrepreneur You think Facebook™ will never ban one of your accounts (almost impossible) This Is DEFINITELY For You If: You want to start making money online at any point in time You want to be able to advertise your business on the biggest advertising platform in the world FOREVER You want to protect your business from BANKRUPTCY Purchase now and learn all of these valuable lessons! Don't wait until you learn them the hard way!
          Upskill yourself and ensure you're never out of work or out of clients, with the BEST OF FACEBOOK ADS & INSTAGRAM PRO EDITION 2021. Learn everything you need to know to become a Professional Facebook Ads Consultant, and start a new career online, or boost your local or e-commerce Business. "I love this course. All the points related to Facebook Ads were explained in-depth by Tom. You will feel pretty confident about launching Facebook Ads after finishing this course. Highly Recommended!!" Muhammad "I've taken a few different courses regarding FB ads but this one is by far the best. What makes it even better is that the instructor is very quick and responsive when you ask questions." Fumiyuki Suzuki "This program is well-organized and easy to follow. I am able to keep up with the pace. Thanks!!" August M Dear Students, Hi, it's Ing. Tomas Moravek here again, your Internet Efficiency Award Winning Digital Strategist and Marketer, with my latest and most powerful course, FACEBOOK ADS MARKETING MASTERY. This is the ONLY COURSE ON UDEMY TO TAKE YOU THROUGH THE NEW FACEBOOK ADS EXPERIENCE, helping you get up to date with the most current techniques. I'm super excited to bring you this new material, as it's the result of months of hard work, and will help you quickly gain the digital skillset so essential in today's competitive marketplace. Time is of the essence right now as business makes the complete switchover to digital. If you get in on the action today, I promise you'll reap huge rewards later. In this easy-to-follow, quick-learn course, I'll be laying out the basics of modern marketing, including EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO MARKET SUCCESSFULLY ON FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM. This course is perfect if you’re looking to promote an ecommerce site, expand your brand reach, get more traffic and win more conversions. You’ll also discover how to conduct thorough, modern market research so you can give your customers what they crave, and I’ll also be teaching you how to create sleek looking professional websites without any coding experience whatsoever . With all this knowledge, you'll be equipped to SUCCESSFULLY MARKET YOUR OWN BUSINESS, or qualify for a Junior Facebook Ads Consultant position working for yourself, a company, or a marketing agency. Facebook and Instagram are so essential to your business, and are hugely profitable, if you know how to game them right. In this course, I'll teach you the ins and outs of marketing on these social platforms, and will lay out every type of Facebook Ad, so you know when to use what, and how . After you've been through this course with me, you'll learn the true secret to becoming a marketing pro - efficiency - and will understand how to optimise your budget, ad content, and strategy for ULTIMATE MARKETING SUCCESS. What will you learn…? As soon as you enrol, you'll start learning the essentials of marketing using Facebook and Instagram Ads. You'll also gain vital digital marketing website creation and market research skills that will help you promote your ecommerce site and will serve you for the rest of your life. I'll teach you how to set up and use Facebook Catalogue Ads so you can AUTOMATE YOUR MARKETING AND SELL, 24/7. If you have an e-commerce site, Catalogue Ads will skyrocket your profits, and the best thing is, you only need to set them up once! Catalogue Ads are o awesome, they’re just like having a sales rep who works for you all day long, even while you sleep. Using step by step walkthroughs I'll show you how to UNLOCK THE FULL POWER OF FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS. You'll be able to use this knowledge to smartly target and retarget customers, who are already looking for what you're selling. Dynamic Ads are a superb way of helping your ecommerce store get more customers, as they zone in on people who’ve already viewed your stuff on social or on your website. When you sign up, you'll also discover how to use Facebook Traffic Ads to pull in endless streams of quality traffic from social media, to your website. This is a real power boost tool if you’re running or promoting an ecommerce site, as it helps you focus on customers who are more likely to want what you’re offering. You'll also learn how to use Facebook Reach Ads and Custom and Lookalike audiences to EXPAND YOUR CUSTOMER BASE, target more people, and target better. Knowing how to do this right will save you so much money, time, and expense. With my knowledge, you'll be able to achieve 10x the results, for a fraction of the cost Of course, I’ll be teaching you the latest ways to CREATE HIGH CONVERTING FACEBOOK CONVERSION ADS, so you gain many more customers who will purchase from your ecommerce site. Many people struggle with Conversion Ads, and have disappointing results, finding they are spending far more than they get back. I’ll teach you how to optimise Conversion Ads to get more from your budget, so that instead of being a drain on your cash flow, they’ll be the tool in your armoury that will help you max out your Facebook and Instagram Ad results. Not only that, but when you enrol, you'll gain website building skills that will help you quickly BUILD PRO LOOKING WEBSITES using WordPress. You can apply this info to get your own site up and running in minutes, or use it to make a second income stream, building sleek, mobile optimised sites for others. If you want to be a successful modern marketer, you'll need to get to grips with proper market research. I'll teach you how to us SEMrush to carry out in-depth research into your customers, so you can serve them up irresistible content and offers they won't be able to say no to! You'll learn how to create great content for Facebook that immediately engages, and you'll understand the 3 stages of the customer journey to purchase. You'll also find out how to combine visuals and text so that users stop scrolling and want to click through to your page! Most importantly of all, you'll learn how to correctly set up Facebook Pixel Events, an essential step which so many people fail to do. This one thing will help you unlock many more marketing possibilities and will enable you to REACH A MUCH WIDER AUDIENCE and promote with far greater reach. Using high quality explainer videos, To Do Lists you can tick off, and success blueprints you can apply instantly, I'll show you how to ACHIEVE TOTAL MARKETING SUCCESS USING FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, AND THE WEB. I've created and optimised all the course modules for super-fast learning. If you get started right away, you could be a Facebook Ads pro within just weeks, with all the knowledge needed to qualify for a Junior Facebook Ads Consultant position. All I ask from you, is that you put just an honest amount of effort in. My course will teach you how to MAKE MONEY FOR LIFE. Once you've completed it, you'll have taken an important step to ensuring a great future income. With this information, you'll be able to SELL ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE using just Facebook, your computer, and an internet connection. What's more, with my course you'll always STAY RELEVANT as I'm constantly updating all my content with the latest and most CUTTING-EDGE MARKETING TIPS, techniques and pro tricks. There are no gimmicks here, only solid proven, tried and tested techniques that really work, brought to you by an Internet Efficiency award winning digital strategist with decades worth of marketing experience. So, what's inside when you sign up? Enrol today to become my newest student and you'll get immediate access to all of this: My ULTIMATE PRO GUIDE to using FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM for marketing success How to use Facebook Business Goals to PROMOTE YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS and get more customers quickly Complete Walkthrough Guide to Facebook Pixel Events - open the door to MANY MORE CUSTOMERS Facebook Ads Essentials for the NEW FACEBOOK ADS EXPERIENCE – all the latest info you need to know to THRIVE! Facebook Engagement Ads walkthrough - get more likes, clicks and shares and BOOST YOUR FACEBOOK RANKING Facebook Traffic Ads How To - reel in endless new streams of quality TRAFFIC FROM FACEBOOK to your ecommerce site Facebook Conversion Ads How To - CONVERT BETTER, convert more, & convert faster Facebook Messenger Ads How To - this is like having A VIRTUAL ASSISTANT WHO WORKS 24/7 FOR YOU, 365 days a year Facebook Reach Ads How To - EXPAND YOUR CUSTOMER BASE, effortlessly Facebook Catalogue Ads - the automated way to SHOWCASE YOUR ENTIRE PRODUCT CATALOGUE –promote your ecommerce site all day, every day! Facebook Video View Ads How To - BOOST YOUR DISCOVERABILITY using the world's most popular content medium Facebook Ads Best Practices - What works and what to avoid, so you can SAVE MONEY AND GET MORE LEADS! Complete step by step Guide to Modern website creation - NO CODING EXPERIENCE NEEDED Walkthrough guide to Modern Market Research - with handy tools, tips and tricks this will help you GIVE YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE WHAT THEY WANT! Set up your Facebook Ads Agency - EARN AN UNLIMITED INCOME STREAM through your own profitable Ads Agency That's not all. When you enrol, you also get these handy bonuses, to help boost your online marketing efforts. You'll get: Walkthrough Guide to using the invaluable tool SEMrush to conduct modern marketing research - plus GET LINKS TO 188 ONLINE MARKETING TOOLS Get sleek, pro looking WordPress theme Avada - FREE - & quickly build top quality looking business websites Discover SEO Mastery Next Steps - know how to use SEO to boost your search engine position Video Production and YouTube Mastery Quick Guide - use the fastest growing content medium to promote your business These EXCLUSIVE BONUSES will help you conduct thorough market research and create professional looking websites in a flash. You'll also find out how to harness the power of SEO and video, so you RANK HIGHER IN SEARCH and engage people better. Become a Facebook Ads Pro - Fast There is no other Facebook Ads course out there that is as optimised for fast learning as this one. I break the core knowledge down digestibly, so that even novices with no Facebook Ads knowledge what’s over can GO FROM ZERO TO PRO in a matter of weeks. This is currently the only course on the entire Udemy platform that will take you through the New Facebook Ads experience from start to finish. Helping students upskill quickly was a major goal of mine when I sat down to create this course. I wanted to develop a structure that would teach students how to QUICKLY THRIVE USING FACEBOOK ADS . With this course, I'm satisfied that I've exceeded that goal. Now I am happy to present my knowledge to you at this LIMITED TIME SUPER LOW PRICE, as I'm aware it's never been more important for you to gain essential digital marketing skills. Take the first step to securing a solid income stream for life… I really hope you decide to take advantage of the knowledge I'm sharing with you for this limited time price. I know that if your goal is to be a successful online marketer, with no more money worries, this course will help you attain that dream. With my help, you'll gain vital online marketing skills that will be highly sought after in the upcoming months and years. The world is changing fast, and we all need to adapt to survive. Join me and I'll equip you with the digital marketing skills that will give you a SECURE INCOME - FOR LIFE. Wouldn't it be great not to stress about your future income stream, or to upgrade your existence and afford the quality of life you really want? Wouldn't it be great to work smarter, not harder? Sign up now for my limited time offer price and I'll ensure you're never out of clients! Inside I'll be teaching you the skills every tech firm, marketing firm, and business will pay 100's of 1000's for, forever . You'll NEVER BE OUT OF WORK OR CLIENTS once you know how to work Facebook Ads, Instagram, and the web to your advantage. Imagine the boost to your income stream, when can quickly create pro looking websites for all those newly created digital start-ups? I'm going to be teaching you all this and more in my quick learn total Facebook Ads & INSTAGRAM Mastery Guide, so you can BOOST YOUR TRAFFIC STREAM, convert faster, and sell, sell, sell. I've genuinely put so much into this, because sharing marketing knowledge and success secrets is a passion of mine. There's no better satisfaction for me than when one of my students leaves me great feedback or tells me how I helped them take their income from lacklustre to luxe. I know it's not just about the money. It's about the security, opportunities, and peace of mind that comes when you have in demand skills that ensure you're always employable. It's the serenity that is attained when you can generate a stream of clients and leads, using only an internet connection and your laptop. You can take what you've learned from me and work from anywhere, in your own time. This is the meaning of true independence, and this is the gift I want to give to you. Marketing is an art form and in my EXCLUSIVE ORIGINAL COURSE CONTENT that you cannot access anywhere else, I'll teach you the INSIDER SECRETS ONLY THE PROS KNOW. With a full, no quibble, 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if you're not completely satisfied, there's absolutely no risk and a world of opportunity waiting. Make the first step to ensuring a secure income forever and take advantage of my super-low limited time price offer by enrolling right now to become my newest student. I wish you every success and can't wait to welcome you on board, Ing. Tomas Moravek
            Welcome to the Complete Facebook Ads for Local Business course. If you have a local business and need more clients visiting your store every day, this course is for you. You're looking for a complete Facebook Ads for Local Business course to teach you everything you need to attract new Clients to your store, increase sales, and promote your business and products using Facebook, right? You've found the right course! With the skills learned in this Facebook Ads for Local Business, you can: GROW exponentially your business presence on Facebook INCREASE your sales REACH clients (or future clients) that live around your business, in your neighborhood or city and let them know about your local store I promise to do everything I can to help you learn all these marketing strategies: You Will learn all About Facebook for Local Business, the Most Powerful Way to Grow Your Local Business Using Facebook You will learn how to use dozens of proven Facebook Marketing strategies to skyrocket the sales of your Local Business You will see tangible results by taking action throughout the entire course You Will learn How to Reach Hundreds, Thousands or Millions of People on Facebook You will Stop spending money on Facebook Ads that are NOT Working You will increase conversions and sales with real-world techniques You will learn how to Create optimized Facebook Ads for your Local business, investing a small amount that will attract hundreds of new customers Bonus: If you don't have a website for your Local Business, I'll show you how to create one. WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU ENROLL IN THE FACEBOOK ADS FOR LOCAL BUSINESS COURSE? Lifetime access to the course and all updates Personalized support and answers to your questions Udemy certificate of completion 30-Day 100% money back guarantee - no questions asked! GET READY TO TAKE ACTION Throughout the entire course, you'll be taking action! You'll learn the proper techniques and strategies for each section. Then you'll see how these strategies are used in the real world with case studies. Finally, you'll take action yourself, and see real results! We have 6 students assignments to help you take the right steps to get the results that you want. NOW IS THE TIME TO START USING FACEBOOK ADS TO GROW YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS Whether you're completely new to all of these topics, or you use a few of them, now is the perfect time to take action. Do you want more people visiting your store? Or maybe you want to increase your sales and add more value to your clients, or maybe what you want for your business is to create a powerful online presence and to grow your brand reaching thousands of potential customers. Well, you are in the right place! In this course, you will learn the complete step by step formula to reach people around your business with Facebook Ads. By the end of the course, you will have Facebook Ads running 24 hours a day , reaching potential clients that are interested in your products or services. We'll define your target audience to ensure that it’s optimized for your Local Business and avoiding spending money with Facebook Ads that do not work. You will also learn how to create a super optimized Facebook Pages for your Local Business, and how to monetize it selling your products, services, and ideas to all your followers. And you will learn how to use and configure the Call-To-Action button on your Facebook Page, using it to connect these Facebook fans with your local business. And if you have a YouTube Channel or Instagram Account, I’ll show you how to completely integrate that with your Local Business Facebook Page, exponentially increasing the views on your videos and engagement on your Instagram posts. If you don’t have a website for your business. We have a bonus module here in the course, where I’ll show you how to create a professional website with a few clicks, so you can do it even if you have never created a website before. My goal as the instructor is to make sure that you get real results, and to accomplish that we need to take action! And take the right actions, that’s why I created 6 Student Assignments, each assignment will guarantee that you are taking the right steps, performing the right actions to get the results that you want. I'm sure you'll love the course, and by the end you will have Facebook Ads, generating sales and bringing customers and followers to your business every day. But if for any reason, you do not like the course, you can request a full refund in the first 30 days, no questions asked. Just to recap: When you join to Facebook Ads for Local Business TODAY you receive: * Instant access to +5 hours of step by step video training. * 6 Practical Assignments that will help you to take the right steps to get real results in your Local Business Marketing. * Lifetime Access to the Course. * Lifetime Free Updates. * Lifetime Access to the Forum and Q&A section where you can ask me anything. With all this guarantee you have nothing to lose, Enroll now and let's start using all power of Facebook Ads to generate more sales, attract more followers and grow your online presence exponentially right now!
              Why Sign Up This Course Risk FREE 30 Days money back guarantee Proven Experienced Trainer in Online Marketing Since 2006 Get Real Examples & Case Studies To Walk You Through What To Do Many Proven Examples to follow and so much more. What Will You Learn How To Find Hot Audience That Wants To Buy! Discover Hidden Gems On Facebooks How To Create A High Converting Facebook Ad Image Build a Strong Foundation in Facebook Marketing How to Setup a Professional Fan Page on Facebook in a Short Time Create Hot Viral Content That People Want to Share on Facebook Secrets to Grow Your Online Business Setup Your Own Lead Machine To Generate More Sales Case Study How To Build Fans and so much more... =========================================== "I enjoyed the course. Its easy to follow with lots of insights and practical advice and resources. Each step was shown with examples easy to follow. Definitely One of the Best Course in Udemy !" By Chris Wong - Rated 5 Stars "Great Course! Instructor gave very easy lessons to follow and I enjoyed learning what he taught." by Matt West - Rated 5 Stars ============================================ This course is a very unique program where I challenge myself and also show you every tactic , keywords, ad swipe copies I use to grow a targeted buyer audience on Facebook. The course is structured with detailed step by step instructions and is design to help anyone from newbies to experts in Facebook Marketing to create engaging hot buyers on their Facebook Fan Pages.
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                In this course, you will learn about Facebook marketing, the essential stuff you need to know, no fluff no boring stuff that doesn't work. These are real life lessons from real life campaigns. The best tips and techniques to improve your return on investment and make your brand stand out online. Scientifically formulated course to give you the best format for learning. Engineered according to cognitive learning techniques to be 30minutes in length and broken into short 5-10min lectures that allow the brain to absorb more of the information. This is a practical and no-nonsense guide to digital marketing. Why it is so important in todays crowded market and how you can get ahead of competitors with the secrets behind successful brands and online campaigns. So many courses on Facebook, but most of them are useless. You only need this course to become an expert on Facebook advertising. Where should your marketing dollars go to get the most from your budget Making an impact on a small budget, you don't have to have millions and TV advertising to grow your brand Let us guide you on how to develop a campaign and clear brand message, the 3 step Elite system that will help you get results fast on Facebook. Elite Percent will give you the knowledge and proven processes that work.
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                  In the Facebook Video Ads course, we will teach you to not only make and improve your Facebook video ads but also to make the best Facebook Audience and where to place your ad on Facebook and Instagram to get high sales. I started from very basics and taught how you can make video thumbnail of a Facebook VIdeo in the first lecture which will bring you more clicks. Then I taught very basic but crucial points that must be taken care of while making a Facebook video ad or improving an existing Facebook Ad which includes adding social proof to your Facebook ads and what actually social proof is. Moreover, Pixels of Facebook video Ad and duration are also discussed in the course because there are some custom dimensions of videos that when played in mobiles then it will automatically cover a larger area of the screen which will draw the attention of the viewer for sure! Also, as no one can remake a Facebook video ad just because it is in landscape mode, we showed how you can convert the video pixels online within minutes for Free. Furthermore, not only the best Facebook Ads bring sales but also selecting the best Facebook/Instagram Audience and Ad Placement bring many more conversions in very small time hence both are discussed deeply in the forth and Firth lecture of the course. As we already know that unique Facebook ads bring more sale hence we not only discussed all its points but also we showed some tactics by which one can get royalty-free video and audio contents for their Facebook video ads to make them super unique. Captions and texts are very important in Facebook video ads because many people watch Facebook ads without sound hence we discussed how important it is to add texts and captions so that one can understand your Facebook video ad without voice too. Also, we did a practical video editing session in which we uploaded a video ad and improved it with canva for Facebook to bring more sales and clicks. In the next part, we make a new Facebook Video ad from scratch within 10 mins that include images, elements, texts, cool backgrounds and also a contact us page with logo address and email. and that video ad can be uploaded to Facebook or Instagram for marketing and for sure that type of Facebook ad brings good sales compared to simple picture Facebook Ads. Also, we discussed adding real-life examples to your Facebook VIdeo and Image ad so that the customer will directly engage him/herself in that ad which will bring good sales at the end. Facebook Pixels play a vital role in collecting the information about the audience that is coming to your website from Facebook and Instagram and hence we showed how you can connect Facebook pixels to your website step by step to get real tracking of website visitors. The Best Facebook video ad with Best audience and ad Placement will bring very good results but all the effort is incomplete without the perfect and professional Title and Description of the Facebook Ad hence we discuss deeply how one can write Facebook Ad or Instagram Ad's Title and Description with hooks to attract more clients. In the end, I explained a simple trick to get Free traffic on your video ads so that you will get some extra fruits from your Video ads. We are looking forward to having you in our student's list while getting better results of your ads after this course. You can contact us for any queries just send us a message while going to my profile and we will get back to you as soon as possible
                    Would you like to know how to create an effective Facebook ad ? And would you like to have access to step by step strategies that reveal how to turn 1 dollar spent on ads into 2 dollars or more in profit? Then this is the course for you. In this 24 hours long course, I'll turn you from a complete beginner into a Facebook ads professional and I will be showing you how to create Facebook ads, install pixels, set up custom conversions, sell products online and much more. So what exactly are you going to learn here in this class? Facebook Pages, Profiles & Chatbots - We will start with the absolute basics. What is a Facebook page? How do I program a chat bot? What are autoresponders? How do you calculate organic reach and how can it be influenced? In this section of the chapter you will receive a step by step guide that shows you exactly how I scaled my Facebook page to over 25,000 likes in just one week and how you can too! You will also learn how to create an artificial intelligence that will automatically write and answer messages for you. We will also talk about message sequences, how you can program them into your chat bot and we won't stop here: We will continue with tags, hashtags, app installations for Facebook pages and much more! Facebook Ads, Custom Audiences & Lookalike Audiences - We will now learn about setting up Facebook ads. We will cover more than 50 different kinds of ads and formats, from carousel ads to slideshow ads, from traffic ads to conversion ads, no type or format of a Facebook ad will be left untouched. We will additionally dive deep into the topic of custom audiences and lookalike audiences that will help you make your Facebook marketing more efficient. Facebook Pixel & Custom Conversions - In this part of the course, we will cover Facebook pixels. You will learn how to install and test them, how to set up custom conversions and how to track events such as purchases, leads and much more. Mobile Ads, Viral Content & Instagram Marketing - If you ever wanted to know how to reach hundreds of thousands of people for only a few dollars, then this chapter is for you. In this part of the course, you will learn how to film, edit and set up professional mobile ads that reach millions through viral content marketing strategies. In addition, we will learn more about Instagram and running ads on the platform. Messenger Marketing, Bots & Local Business Ads - You will now learn to program your own sophisticated chat bot with two GDPR-friendly chat bot programming softwares. No coding skills are required. Afterwards, you will learn how to run messenger marketing campaigns and you will be capable to generate high open and click through rates. These skills will be especially helpful when running ads for local and small as well as mid-sized business. In this regard, you will also receive additional training in local business ads. Facebook Marketing Agency, Business Manager & Sales Funnels - At the end of this course, you will receive a step by step guide from me that will lay out how to start, run and scale your own SMMA - a social media marketing agency. We will cover how to deal with clients, how to create and sell digital products, you will learn to use the Facebook Business manager, in order to be capable to run ads for other clients, and we will cover Facebook-based sales funnels that could quickly increase your earnings from digital sales. Most chapters will come with exclusive case studies , downloadable documents and worksheets, quizzes and much more! After completing this course, you will be capable to: Create 50+ kinds of highly converting Facebook ads & Facebook-based sales funnels Know how to create engagement ads, traffic ads, messenger ads, local business ads and much more Install Facebook pixels and set up custom conversions, custom audiences and lookalike audiences Be capable to develop your own sophisticated and effective Facebook marketing strategies Figure out your target group and be able to target them directly through Facebook Optimise and scale your Facebook ads through professional A/B split testing and other means of analysis Use the Facebook Creative Hub to analyse the usability of your content Create highly converting conversion ads & know how to sell products from your online store effectively Start and scale your own SMMA (social media marketing agency) for (local) business ads Use the Facebook Business Manager effectively for running ads & organising Facebook pages What are you still waiting for? Enroll in the course and we will see each other in the first video! Yours sincerely, Leon Chaudhari - instructor -